Product Introduction

‘GOLD Life’ Smart Fan Rod also called ‘Anti Suicide Fan Rod’
In order to curb suicide by hanging from a ceiling fan, a specially designed fan Down Rod (pipe) has been developed, which can be used in place of an ordinary Fan Down Rod / pipe for hanging fan to save life.
Unlike ordinary Fan Down Rod, the Smart Fan Rod has two parts, upper and the lower, which are held together with the help of a spring mechanism. Any attempt to get hanged from fan fitted with Smart Fan Rod will get foiled, as due to excess load on the fan, the Smart Fan Rod gets separated from its joint and the load gets transferred on the spring, which expands and a person trying to hang from fan will land on the ground safely and life will get saved.
As the spring holds the fan, the fan always remains above the head, causing no injury, as can be seen in working of Down Rod, as well as in videos showing demonstration and working.
Er. Sharad Ashani, is an Inventor of ‘Gold Life’ Smart Fan Rod. ‘GOLD Life’ Smart Fan Rod also called Anti Suicide Fan Rod
Sharad is a living example of continuous innovative thinking. Since child hood, he has been involved in making some or the other useful things. Examples, during school days, he made mouse trap, with help of jali (wire mesh) and umbrella rods. He made different types of lanterns during Diwali. He used to dissemble entire bicycle, clean parts, grease them & assemble the cycle again. Seeing his interest in technical things, his parents encouraged him by providing games like Mechano and hand tools.
Despite not so good financial conditions, his parents encouraged him to pursue his engineering graduation. He thus did Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electrical from Mumbai University with First Class Honours. He supported cost of study by taking private tuitions and obtaining scholarships. He borrowed books from trusts.
During his tenure with Crompton, he got certificates for presenting his ideas in Quality Circle conclave. Of several ideas, one of the idea, which got patented by company was ‘Use of Microwaves’ for heating of insulation of Instrument Transformers. This proposal was to save 50% power and increase of over 40% productivity. The paper insulation heating experiments were done in Microwave Oven at Home!! And the project report was made, based on successful heating of paper insulation.
Coming back to Safe or Anti Suicide Fan pipe development, he struck this idea when he was reading the news of Ms. Universe, Nafisha Josheph, who hanged herself from Ceiling Fan in July 2004. Since then he became restless and started thinking about how to stop use of fan for committing suicide.
Initially, several experiments were made with help of fan pipe and springs to conceptualise the usable Smart Fan rod. Again, items like old fans, pipes, springs were bought from Chor Bazaar. After successful trial, the Smart Fan rod was designed and developed and applied for patent in December 2004.
Although the patent was granted, as it was not ethical to set up business while one is on role of company, he had kept this dream project for pursuing after retirement. Because of his rich engineering and manufacturing experience, he could successfully set up unit for the manufacture of life saving Anti Suicide Fan Rod. The commercial production started in April 2017.
Sharad is happy to state that the product invented by him, first of its kind in the universe, has been felt useful and is being bought by many with view to save life and avoid hassles after suicide tragedy. He feels happy that his skills for solving problem helping society at large.
During his service period, he conducted workshops on ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ and Innovation. Blue Ocean Strategy basically talks about solving problems or difficulties faced by customer to make the life easy. It talks laoud about innovation that helps companies make differentiation and thereby generate huge profits. Several new ideas were brought out at the end of the work shops, conducted amongst marketing and service engineers. Some of them helped company to incorporate for profitable growth.
He again plans to conduct workshops on Blue Ocean Strategy and Innovation to encourage and help people innovate and/or find out the solutions.
Sharad is a Six Sigma Black Belt holder and is a certified First Aid Training.