‘GOLD Life’ Smart Fan Rod also called ‘Anti Suicide Fan Rod’
In order to curb suicide by hanging from a ceiling fan, a specially designed fan Down Rod (pipe) has been developed, which can be used in place of an ordinary Fan Down Rod / pipe for hanging fan to save life.
Unlike ordinary Fan Down Rod, the Smart Fan Rod has two parts, upper and lower, which are held together with the help of a spring mechanism. Any attempt to get hanged from fan fitted with Smart Fan Rod will get foiled, as due to excess load on the fan, the Smart Fan Rod gets separated from its joint and the load gets transferred on the spring, which expands and a person trying to hang from fan will land on the ground safely and life will get saved.
As the spring holds the fan, the fan always remains above the head, causing no injury, as can be seen in working of Down Rod, as well as in videos showing demonstration and working.
Our patented ‘GOLD Life’ Smart Fan Rod, also known as Anti Suicide rod, looks the same as normal fan down rod (pipe), except that the Smart Fan rod comes with specially made supply wire assembly. The parts of the Smart Fan Rod are seen under.
This life saving fan rod has universal design and hence can be fitted to any make or brand of fan. Typical installation of GOLD Life Fan to select leading brand of fan with safety screw are seen under.
What is 'Gold Life' Smart Fan Rod?
Smart Fan Rod is a specially designed ceiling fan down rod / pipe for preventing suicide by hanging from fan.
What is 'Gold Life' Anti Suicide Fan Rod?
Anti Suicide Fan Rod is other name of Smart Fan Rod that can be used for hanging ceiling fan. Any attempt to get hanged from the fan fitted with Anti Suicide / Smart Fan Rod will failed. Thus, life will be saved. Hence, it is also called Anti Suicide Fan Rod.
What is Smart Fan?
Smart Fan uses Smart Fan Down Rod, instead of normal Down Rod / pipe, which does not offer safety.
How will 'Gold Life' Smart Fan Road / Anti Suicide Fan Rod help prevent suicide attempt?
“Unlike ordinary fan down rod/pipe, the Smart Fan Rod – pipe has two parts, upper and lower, which are held together with a specially designed spring mechanism. Any attempt to get hanged from fan fitted with Smart Fan Rod will get foiled, as due to excess load on the fan, the Smart Fan Rod joint gets separated and the spring in it gets expanded. Hence, a person trying to hang will land on the ground safely.
Further, due to spring, the fan always will remain above the head, causing no injury.”
Is the 'Gold Life' Smart Fan Rod / Anti Suicide Fan Rod Safe enough for hanging Ceiling Fan?
“Yes, it is very much safe. The Smart Fan Rod is designed to hang fan and run it for life time. The pipe will open up only when the load on fan exceeds 4 times the normal fan weight at 5 Kg. ie if the load on fan exceeds over 20kg, only then it will open. MSME has tested for this feature and given test report for the same.
As a testimony, the Smart Fan rod is tested by Govt. of India’s MSME lab for factor of safety 2.5 and above, as well as running the fan continuously to the satisfaction.
Further, over 1000 Smart Fan Rods are in use in Home, Hotels & Hostels for over six months now. In our own lab, Smart Fan rod was tested for working for over 2.5 years. Thus, its usage for fan has been well established”